
Some of the things which inspire me the most, on my special journey in Japan … 

A Kotaki hand-crafted Magatama of Itoigawa Jadeite. 

A limited edition gifted book about the creation of Japan by Ise Jingu. 

A hand-written inspiration note from my favorite music artist of all time, Irina Allegrova. 

A magnolia Goshuin-cho, hand-made in Itoigawa. (BOS) #Majick 

My business card for Success and the start of my new company, Magatama AI. (Logo by a Japanese graphic artist is in the works) … 

And a silver spoon by the 12th generation Imperial Silversmith and friend, Sohaku Kamikawa. 

#FavoriteThings #OnMyJourney #InJapan 

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