Happy to Announce … my new record, Majick, Art and Royalty — the 5 track Ep is now available in Japan and will be available worldwide come midnight. Here is the cover art, details and track listing. I recorded the first 4 tracks at the elegant Onkio Haus Ginza and the 5th On Location at the site of the brave 47 Ronin, the day after their families came for an annual gathering, this meditation was unplanned and fully inspired by the ultra strong vibe. I’m wearing an old large, authentic Magatama on the cover and the location is the exquisite Nara Imperial Site. The 3 subjects mentioned in the title happen to be the subjects that inspire me the most and naturally heighten my Energy. Enjoy the new record. With Blessings, Mikhail Tank Hear more about the Ep as well as my brand new book, #Magatama, via the newly released episode of the #ArchetypalMosaic radio podcast, in its 6th year. 📻 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BV1T785H/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=3I85UHTLL86OZ...